
Emme is 11 months old today!!

Today is Saturday, December 18, 2010,
   Emme's 11 month birthday!!

Emme is 11 months old today, probably the biggest milestone she has single handedly or footedly
accomplished is walking!  She takes about five steps unassisted and normally does a shaky plop
on her bottom.  On November 30th, I was talking to mother and said, "well she just took two
steps."  And uneventful as it may sound thats how it happened.  After that, I got her to take steps
to me from the sofa.  Each day she has become more brave and ventured out more.

We celebrated Thanksgiving at sisters with Emme's newest cousin Mollie Caroline, born November
23, 2010.  She dined on pureed Turkey, carrots and sweet potatos.  We followed Thanksgiving
with the Iron Bowl on Friday where Auburn defeated Alabama in Tuscaloosa giving us a perfect
season and sending us on to the SEC championship and ultimately to the BCS NATIONAL
CHAMPIONSHIP game in January.  Emme just may be AU's newest good luck fan!

We had a doctor appointment on December 06 for Em's first sick visit.  She weighted 19lbs 2ozs.
Her cough was dismissed as a cold. 

Being Christmas season we have encountered a few of Santa's helpers.  On December 11, 2010
we had "breakfast with Santa" at the Zoo.  It was burrrrrr chilly!  Emme dined on oatmeal.  She
was very confused by this furry man I had let hold her.  She looked at me as to say, "Okay, I
will sit here if you think I should but I am not certain you are using your best judgement."  After
her gave her a stuffed giraffe with a Christmas scarf, her mood elevated quickly!  We strolled
around the fridged zoo all bundled up and she went to sleep.  Our next encounter was for our
Santa photo's.  WE GOT OUR FIRST PUBLIC SMILE PHOTO...then the photographer
deleted it in hope of something better.  Little did she know that wasn't going to happen, we
managed to get the same expression as in most of the photos, "I will sit here and stare at you, and
you can take all the photos you like."  :)  So far the Christmas tree has been safe outside the
perimeter of her living room compound but gifts have yet to be place there!  She is ready for
new toys and Christmas but I am sure most of all she is just ready to play with Ava Kate!

Lots of talking more Be-be's, Ma-ma's, Doy, Doy, Doy, Pa-pa's, and putting all those together
making sentences or trying to tell stories!  She is so funny!  Her new thing is blowing raspberries
on Mommy's tummy!  She keeps going and going till she out of breath!  I laugh each time and
she loves it.  Everything is still going in her mouth, which I REALLY hope she outgrows soon!

Emme is getting taller, more beautiful, a little more rotten, more loving, as needy as always, as
clumsy as ever, very quick to mimick, more inquisitive (if that is possible), the best waver and
clapper ever!  Still have four teeth but I think we may be getting a new one soon!

Emme, I HEART you x's infinity & am so impressed by your abilities, intelligence, and most of all your sweet open mouth kisses and loving hugs...although one day maybe you will learn hugs do not have involve pulling hair!  :)

Emme is 10 months old today!!

Today is Thursday, November 18, 2010, 
  Emme's 10 month birthday!

Emme Camille Baker is 10 months old today!  She weighs 57lbs...or so she feels! She is getting to
be a big baby...literally!  She has 4 teeth, two top, two bottom, and a head full of thick hair.
She is so beautiful and I love to just stare at her and touch her perfect little face.

She continues to show strong signs of her personality.  She is very inquisitive, she likes getting her
way, she is a little sneaky, very attached to her mommy, very talkative...at home.  :) She also
listens well to what I ask of her. She doesn't always agree but understands "na na na".  This phrase
is heard often as she attempts to escape her living room fortress or climb the armoire mountain via
bouncy seat!  Looking around the living room now it looks more "booby trapped" vs "baby proofed"!

Emm is still eating her homemade organic fruit & veggies...yellow squash is a favorite and beets grew
on her after a few weeks but VERY messy!  Last Dr. appointment she was given the green light
for finger foods and yogurt.  I doubt he meant frozen yogurt but we have had this as a treat a few
times and needless to say, it's a hit!

Her conversations consists of alot of syllables put together is a sweet high pitched almost singing voice.
She can easily follow it with lower pitched almost gurgles and clicking sounds.  She gargles milk, yes, I have told her she will get choked, she still continues.  I am refered to as Ma MAH and let me leave her sight and you will surely hear it followed by squealing!  She is very vocal!

Emme had her first Halloween at her Aunt Kerri's.  She was a plump little Strawberry! Me, Emm,
AK (Strawberry Shortcake), Sister and Mia ("grand-marme") went around Round Forest to Trick-
or-Treat.  Meme enjoyed a peach sucker and a teddy graham cookie.  We also visited her Great
Grandmother, Granny and her Great Aunt Ginger...we had to carry in her costume because she
through being a strawberry!  We also went to her first Disney on Ice~Princess' on Ice.  I always
remember going up the BIG steps at the BJCC so I wanted to make sure we went in this entrance
because it was so exciting going to the circus climbing what seemed like thousands of steps.  I think
Emme was more surprised and amazed by the number of people in the coliseum vs the actual show!
She made it through the first half and slept the second half even through the pyrotechnic finale.

Still no walking just longer periods of free standing and lots of bouncing and jumping.  She also
recognized her first toy in Target, Pillow Pets~which she sees advertise on her fave channel SproutTv.
I allowed her to pick out one, she chose Panda Bear, she already had Monkey at home.  She also
has a ball pit  which she enjoys climbing through and throwing balls. She is enjoying her books more,
and still enjoys emptying containers and pulling ALL dvds out of armoire. She is also sitting in carts,
(only with cart cover!) and high chairs when out.  Still not that great of a "rider" in the car, hopefully
this will get better once she is allowed to face forward, which I HEARD may change from age 1 to
age 2!

Emme, you make me so happy when I see those 4 little teeth smile at me, you do your "fake" cry,
which I am sure you picked up from you and I playing, "You the mommy, I'm the baby", the cutest
ever squinty faces you make, when you play quietly alone on your quilt, when you raise your eyebrows
in response to my questions when you are nursing, when you kiss me back with your open mouth, and
when you wake up whispering "ba ba" while practicing waving your little hands.

Emme, I HEART you in the morning, I HEART you in the night, I HEART you when it's
raining, I HEART you in the sunlight, I HEART you when it's warm, I HEART you when
it's cold, I HEART you when you're young, and I promise I'll HEART you when you're old!

Emme is 9 months old today!!

Today is Monday, October 18, 2010,
  Emme's 9 month birthday!
My meme is nine months old, 27 inches, and 17lbs 12 ozs.  She got her first bottom left
(her left) tooth Sept 21st, the second days later, and now we have the top left here
coming in strong! She is talking so much, many baba's, mama's, and papa's with a few
hi's and hey's occasionally mixed in.  She is a speed crawler, a very talented pull-up'er,
and can balance for about 5 seconds without holding onto anything. She is VERY mobile
to say the least.  Emme is very curious and rarely misses anything, she has way a way to
rapidly whip her head around to make certain!  She laughs mainly when tickled under the
arms and smiles mostly to those she loves.  She still loves the babbling raspberries and
puts EVERYTHING she finds in her mouth.  She hears na-na-na often and isn't always
happy about it. Whew she can squeeze her little fist and grunt and growl~totally unlike her
mommy. ;)

We went to the Zoo again this month, went to the pumpkin patch, shopping for winter
clothes, park trips, had Christmas photos made in a cotton field in 85 degree heat but
cool yogurt afterward...well, emme had pears, Halloween photos, & rode the zoo train.

Emm is continuing to eat homemade, organic fruits and vegetables, rice cereal and oatmeal.
She secretly had her first popsicle, compliments of cousin Ava Kate on October 17, 2010.
She is a fan of zucchini, carrots, beets, sweet potatoes but no so much cauliflower or lentils!

She's playing her piano, climbing on bounce seat, riding her colorful car, playing with boxes,
bowls and pans.  Since she's teething everything is a potential "chew toy".  The couch is a
favorite form of entertainment, constantly pulling up and plopping down.  The Wiggles are still
a fave, as well as, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. We watch Auburn Football together, every
Saturday, WAR EAGLE!

Meme, I hope I never forget your perfect grin, the way you feel in my arms, snuggling with you
Saturday mornings while bargaining for 5 more minutes in bed, seeing your excitement when
I walk in from work, feeling you pull my hair as you nurse to sleep and your sweet kisses. I
love you and I will do everything in my power to keep you happy, safe and always feeling all
the love I have to offer.

Emme, you are my heart and my happiness.

Emme is 8 months old today!!

Today is Saturday, September 18, 2010,
Emme's 8 month birthday!

Today my little spider monkey is eight months old! She is in my arms nursing and falling asleep as
I type. She is obsessed with my hair and falls asleep while "swatting", pulling, or grasping my
it.  She still loves being held especially while she naps.  This means many times I am confined
to my couch cradling her while she sleeps. It tends to get hot for the both of us but I am certain
one day I will long just to sit here with her in my arms so sit here, I will.  :)

 Em is definitely becoming more mobile.  She is sitting, sitting up, rolling, pulling up, standing
and finally getting the hang of crawling.  Just yesterday I made the comment that she crawled
perfectly twice!  She loves bouncing, being a wiggle worm, "riding the horsey down to town",
and swinging around.   

Emme has the most beautiful "naked mouth" smile, lil golf balls cheeks, long black eyelashes, deep brown eyes and what appears to be Auburn brown hair. I am beginning to noticed two lil swollen, red bumps on her bottom gums so it seems she may be getting her first tooth soon. Speaking of teeth, her diet has greatly expanded, Butternut squash, Carrots-favorite, Broccoli-HATES, Sweet Potatoes, GreenBeans,Oatmeal with bananas, Pear juice~ all organic and all veggies fresh, steamed,
and mommy-made. She still enjoys her mommy milk and gets about an ounce of distilled water per day.

We celebrated my birthday on Saturday, August 28, 2010 at Sisters with an old fashion Tea party!
The room was decorated with hats, boa's, antique tea cups, a vintage yellow buffet holding the petit fours, chicken salad sandwiches, chocolate covered strawberry cake truffles, and my perfect pink and white
tea pot cake with fondant tea cups.  Me, Em, Sister, Ava Kate, and Mother all dressed up. Later my grandmother, dad, and Aunt Kath stopped by.  Beautiful memory and cute photos! Emme drank mommy milk and a sip of apple juice out of her mini antique tea cup.  Unfortunately this was also when Emme
had her first fall...face first off of the kids chair into the carpet.  She dropped a toy, leaned over to get
it as I was steps away.  It was the most tears I had seen from her other than "shot day" at the doctor. (speaking of which, she weighed 16lbs 6ozs at dermatologist on August 30, 2010.)

We spent her first Auburn University Football game here at home,September 04, 2010.  Tailgating is a
blast but being here with Emme watching the game is priceless.  On Saturdays, SEC football games are
on our television and she actually seems to enjoy it.  This morning ESPN College Gameday was in
AU and we watched it as she enjoyed her oatmeal breakfast.  All day she has sported her white AU
onesie, orange bow, and her lil tiger AU bib.  Together, we anticipate AU vs Clemson kick off in just minutes, WAR EAGLE!

She is "talking" more and I guess it is safe to say "ba ba" is her first words but she will also wave on
occasion while saying it.  She enjoys bath time and plays with this caterpillar cups toy.  I do not
think she has a favorite toy right now because EVERYTHING goes straight into her mouth!  She
understands "ne ne ne" (no no) but tends to smile and laugh even after hearing it.  I am not sure
how this will play out in the future! She is a people pleaser, quite around strangers, determined, gets
frustrated, loves being loved, curious, and feels safe in my arms.  She trusts my judgement when
I allow others to hold her but she does not want me to leave her sight.  She thinks her Aunt Kerri
is funny, gets excited to see her grand-marme, shy around her grand papa, intrigued by her Lee Lee,
loves being held by her Mama Jo and Kath, gets cozy with her Uncle Ashley and is definitely
observant of her Ava Kate.  She also has fun playing with Hunter and Tanner~I think she enjoys
that they are a little more rambunctious.  She is growing and learning to appreciate the "outside" world
but loves the safety of her home!

Emme you are my precious little girl, I think about you every second of the day.  I would love to
spend each and every moment of  each and every day with you.  I cannot believe you have grown
so much in the last eight months, from this itty bitty peanut to this little chunky spider money! I love
each little movement and sound you make~ maybe not the ones at 3am but I am so sleepy, sorry!  :)

Emme, as I look at you right now laying on your blanket, I HEART you for being here. 
I know you need me, but I also need you, my true love.

Emme is 7 months old today!

Today is Wednesday, August 18, 2010,
   Emme's 7 month birthday!

Today Emme is 7 months old!  I look at her sitting in the floor on her blanket, pillow
behind "just in case" as she plays with her new toys.  I decided a week or so ago that
she was getting bored with "baby" hanging toys and took her toy shopping.  She actually
got excited for the first time on a toy aisle! ~I am certain that from here on out this will become
a common occurrance! She got her first laptop which she enjoys pushing buttons...with her
feet, her first cell phone, bowls, a spinner ball toy, ring stacker, and her favorite her little
brown box.  It is the recyclable brown box that the cell phone came in.  I put her bowls,
rattles, and colored links in the box and she enjoys emptying them out. 
Oh the simplicity of life. 

Emme is still nursing and just this week added a vegetable to her milk and rice cereal diet. 
We started off with Mommy cooked Organic Butternut Squash.  Did she like it...no! 
Judging her by her expressions I had to reminder her a few time that is wasn't a lemon! 
She is still hanging in there though.

She is still babbling talking and I am certain I heard a "Ma maaaaa" on Friday,
August 06, 2010! She is also learning she can express emotions. Unfortunately her favorite
at the moment is frustration!  Whew~her lungs are definitely developed!  Many times,
she will SQUEAL and follow it with a smile! She loves to stand and is working on her balance.
She has a walking stroller that she like to stand behind but her favorite part is the bear
on a spring to the side.  She is very proud that she can make it play music!  She is great at
rolling over and around.  She will wiggle on her tummy but not so much crawl.  I still feel
she will be an early walker.

Despite all the joys that Meme brings into my life this has been a difficult week. Monday night,
August 16, 2010, my first son, my Fur baby, Lord Tennyson Baker-Tarpley passed away. 
Although he was born a miniature dachshund, he was raised a real little boy.  Anyone that knows
us, knows just how true that statement is.  I love my "Son"shine.
One of the first items I bought Emme was this small bronze-ish statue of a young girl playing
with a puppy under a blanket.  Before I saw Em in person, I would envision the day when
she would meet her brother Tennyson.  I knew it probably wouldn't be a love-at-first sight
meeting because Tenn was very protective of those he loved.  My heart has always been torn
between both Emme & Tennyson.  It would have been near impossible for them both to co-habitate
but I never stopped trying to figure out just how I could make it work.  Now my precious,
intelligent, beautiful, whiney, over-protective, loving, loud, beautiful, proud, nearly 8 yr old
little boy will never have the opportunity to come home to meet his new little sister.  Tennyson
in many ways taught me how to be Mommy.  He gave me room to make mistakes with him
so that I could make less with Emme.  All the years I did not have a human baby, he allowed
me to have have him and love him no less than I could have loved a human baby at that time. 
Tennyson was a blessing sent from God and I am thankful for every memory and moment I
had with him.  I never look down on anyone that treats their pet as a baby because you can love
a pet just like a child and I did love Tennyson as one.  There will never be another,
Lord Tennyson Baker-Tarpley.
~September 04, 2002 - August 16, 2010~ Mommy loves you Tenn~ "You are the wienn-ner!!" 

Emme you make me smile, when I do not want to, you make me wake up when I am
sleepy, you make me find energy within when I seem to have none left, you make my
heart skip a beat when you smile, you make me want to make life perfect for you when
I know in my heart it is impossible. 
Emme I love you and it may never be enough but it is one thing that I promise will never change.

Emme heart-ing you is the easiest thing I have ever had to do.

Busy July Weekend

Busy July Weekend!!
Today is Sunday, July 25, 2010!

Friday, July 23rd started out with Emm's 6 month check up. She wore a baby blue
gingham butterfly bubblesuit with a pink bow. She weighed in at 14lbs 5 ozs and was 26 inches tall!
 She was given 5 vaccinations & the green light for cereral, fruits, veggies, and water! Also
Dr. McGown stated "she looks as healthy as can be" & "she is sitting as well as a 9 month old"!
Later that night we recorded a youtube birthday card for LeAnn's Birthday!!
Saturday, July 24th, we woke EARLY anticipating Ella Salmon's 1st birthday party~
although it was supposed to be a lawn sprinkler birthday, much of the time was spent
 indoors bc of the 100 degree heat! Emme wore her yellow and white bumble bee swimsuit with
a black bow to match the yellow duckie themed party!  Emme sat and played with Ella for
the first time. We both napped late afternoon!
Sunday, July 25th, it was time for Emme's first Sunday Brunch!  She wore a pink knit lady bug
dress and a red bow! Her brunch consisted of Earths Best Organic Rice Cereral & mommy milk. 
SHE LOVED IT!!  Now we have to get ready for picture day at Birmingham Botanical Gardens
and maybe a short stroll through the zoo.

Emme I HEART you from your head down to those wee lil toes!!

6 month check-up

Friday night

Getting ready For Ella's birthday party!

Yummy!  Emme's First Cereral with Mommy milk!

Emme is 6 months old today!

It is Sunday, July 18, 2010,
   Emme's 6 month birthday!!

My precious baby girl is 6 months old today!  I am growing more and more attached
to this little girl each and every day.  When I walk in from work each day her face lights
up and her squealing and squirming begins, clearly she knows her mommy! 
Based on home scales, she weighs 14 lbs 4ozs, but we have a doctors appointment
Friday to get her official weight!

Emme is sitting up on her own now. There are the occasional tumbles, but she
is well balanced for the majority of the time. She is spending more time on her
playmat  where she enjoys kicking her feet to make toys rattle.  She is also making
this "motorcycle engine reving" motion with her wrists.  She is somewhat surprised that
she can make her rattles rattle this way. She is reaching more and obviously learning
 she can control those wee little fingers. She loves my hair, whether she pulling it as
she is nursing or grasping it as we walk, either way my ever so thick hair is thinning! :) 

Emme has also realized that she has feet and a tongue!  She is very talented
with her little toes!  She normally wants to test toys out with her toes first or try
to hold your hand with them.  The little tongue is almost always visible.  If I ask to
see it by sticking out mine first, she will always respond with hers.  Emm's babbling
has been replaced by more "raspberries"! She loves buzzing her lips and tongue. 
She will use this as a warning, "okayyyy, I am about to cry" (or fake cry which
is now complete with these high pitched short squeals!!)

I kiss Emme so much that I think she may get annoyed with it!  One day she
did allow me kiss her 150 times in a rows without even a wimper!! lol!
She also gives "mommy kisses",  wide opened mouth!~no one is allowed these
special kisses but mommy, and well, kissy monkey (formerly known a Beeposh baby)  :) 
Sadly, her "angel kiss", that she received when she was sent to me from heaven, 
seems to be disappearing. I guess even angel lipstick will not stay on forever!

I am not sure Emme has a favorite toy anymore, she seems to enjoy throwing
them all equally.  She is gaining interest in typing on the laptop, pressing
remote buttons, texting on the cell phone & she LOVES Sprout TV.
The Wiggles seem to be a favorite.  I know watching television may not the
healthiest habit but since she isn't in daycare I think being home all week can be
a little redundant so a little Sprout TV and one her her many Baby Einstein DVDs
is okay with me.  She  also enjoys music time each day complete with the
guitar, harmonica, and wooden whistle. :)

Her "naked gum smiles" are priceless, her growls humorous, her beauty
mesmerizing, her squeals piercing, her brown eyes sparkling and
her company more enjoyable than I could ever imagined.

Emme, I HEART you with overwhelming passion.  


Today is Friday, June 18, 2010,
Emme's 5 month birthday!!

My little Meme last month weighed officially 11 lbs 14 ozs and 24 " long but I am certain
we are exceeding that now!! She is rolling over from her back to her sides...she isn't
fond of tummy time so rolling completely over doesn't seem to be in the near future!
Her doctor assures me this is okay and her head has perfect form! 
Emme is enjoying time on her playmat more than ever.  She has favorite toys like
crinkle wing lady bug, those like pink elephant that illuminate, & Beeposh baby,
whom she loves kissing.  She will visibly follow me around to make certain I  am not
too far away. When we are in public she gets a little quiet and
never shows any of her "tricks!" 
That's okay though mommy knows she can do them  :) 
For Mothers Day, I assisted her in drawing me a picture from her...from here on,
she never has to worry what gift to give on this day, all I want is a new masterpiece!
Also, she seems very excited to walk. She cries out to stand up and actually has
surprisingly great form & skill for someone so young.
(No worries, i am not allowing too much weight on those little growing legs)
I am a self-proclaimed alternative parent. I strictly breastfeed, co-sleep, baby wear,
and practice the "No Tears" method, day and night.  Anyone keeping/holding her knows
not to allow her to get upset and cry, if it gets too exhausting & they cannot handle it,
I CAN & WILL be there to take over.
If you're thinking, I am 'making my bed', that is fine,
as a co-sleeper, I will 'lie in it'...WITH my daughter. :)
My love for my meme grows more intense daily. I have come to accept the constant
holding as a gift versus an inconvenience, I can "vacuum" next year but I will
never again be able to hold this precious 5 month again. 
 Each day as she continues to grow, I find myself trying to remember holding her at
5lbs, 8lbs, ect so each moment I consciously try to embrace every smile, chat, and bubble blown.

Emme, I am in heart with you.

Emme is 3 months old today!

It's Sunday, April 18, 2010,

Emme's 3 month birthday!

She is "talking" more and actually beginning to enjoy a little time away from my shoulder.
Over the last 3 months I have averaged 17 hours each day/night holding her. Now she is enjoying spending
a little time in the swing & laying on her back, NOT her tummy, looking at her toys. Her favorite book isn't,
"My Mom Loves Me More Than Sushi" as I had hoped, but "Baby's First Touchy-Feely Book" from
her Marmie.  Oddly enough she loves her changing table in her room, the ceiling fan, & she is amazed by
the outdoors and "coo's" when the wind blows against her face. 
My MiMi is a very happy baby, very rarely cries, and full of sweet smiles!

One of the cutest things is, at times when I tell her I love her, I have tears well up in
my eyes, and now she does the same. She intently attempts to say it back to me as the little tears
begin well up in the corners of her eyes.

We so heart each other!! :)